LISC 426/826 - Current Concepts in Sensorimotor Neuroscience
A multi-disciplinary course exploring advanced concepts of sensorimotor integration from a systems neuroscience perspective. Topics include the neural basis of perception, action selection, reinforcement learning, and motor control. Students will learn to critically evaluate scientific literature and present these concepts to classmates during student-led seminars. Restricted to fourth-year and graduate students. Enrolment is limited. PREREQUISITES LISC 322* or equivalent and permission of the Department.

Winter term: 2, 1.5 hour student led seminars/week. Course Coordinator: M Dorris

PHGY 499 - Research Project in Physiology

An investigation in a selected area of physiology. The project involves experimental design, data collection and analysis, submission of written reports, and oral presentations. Students attend seminars/tutorials on related topics. Limited enrolment; restricted to fourth year honours, permission of the department required.

Students whose research requires the care and/or handling of animals must also register in LISC 488/0.0.

Fall and Winter terms. Course Coordinator: M Dorris